Drop For Hallelujah Holla


Listen in on your computer system every Sunday evening starting 20 October 2013 to the “HALLELUJAH HOLLA SHOW” from 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (USA West Coast Time).  Click on the link below to listen live every Sunday evening to receive a mind renewing, idea birthing, encouraging, and empowering word.  Once you arrive on the KKVV1060 AM Website, click LISTEN LIVE and there you will find us broadcasting God’s empowering word.








Simonton Genesis Ministries © 2007

Everyone wants to be number one and when they get to number one, they end up really being ONE who has it all and no one really wants to deal with them when they get there.  They eventually end up that way because they have hurt, misused, and abused the talents of others in an effort to reach the pinnacle of success.  Many act hard and say well I got mine so they have to get theirs quickly forgetting that those who are still trying to get theirs helped you get yours because they “thought” they saw something in you that would “throw a rope back to “help pull them up” as they climb up to the next level in spirituality, health, prosperity, and in self -motivation. 

People can choose who to give back to in their communities and in their lives.  I have no problem with all who do.  I have issues with those who act as if the WORLD OWES THEM something and they step on, mess over, lie to, deceive, mislead, talk down to, and display a sententious and sadity attitude towards people who are helping in their success and exude the stench of  the “I am NEVER WRONG attitude.” 

Luke 12:16-20 addresses such a person.  It finds Jesus saying in this parable, “16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:  17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?  18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.  19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.  20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?  21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is NOT rich toward God.”

Don’t let people run you over “in the name of Jesus” as they reach for their success.  I have grown tired of the cloak and daggers, smoke and mirrors, and deceitful practices that I have witnessed over the last six years with alleged Saints and Secular people alike hurting and talking down to others while they rise to the top.  Life is too short, death is too sure, and hell is too hot for me to stand by and watch folks who mean well get treated ill “even in the name of Jesus” because folks feel they are owed certain things in life AND I KNOW I can make a difference by offering them the help they need.  DEUCES, is all I have to say to such people!  

Hurt church folk and those seeking truth get ready because there is SOMEONE who cares and we are on the way!!!  With that being said, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have moved, and to give you my new address. 

I have moved from Beggars’ Alley located on Poverty Lane at the corner of Bleak and Busted Circle.  As of today, I have a brand new home.   My new address is: Living Well Drive in the Abundance Subdivision, located at the corner of Blessings Street and Thankful Peak.   You get there by taking the Praising Him Interstate, which runs North, South, East, and West.   It’s a loop around the city of REFUGE, REVELATION, RECONCILIATION, AND RESTORATION where the Holy Spirit guides and directs all traffic of the residents in the area.   

No Longer will I allow myself to travel on Begging Peter to pay off Paul Route, because it’s located at a dead-end intersection called “I Don’t Have, that crosses Borrowers’ Junction.” I can no longer hang out at Failures’ Place near Excuses Avenue, next to Procrastination Mall.

I’ve moved on to an upscale community called Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to Succeed–look at me now because I am on my way up!! Please know that each day that GOD awakens me, I am thankful to be a product of my new environment.

All of my dreams are becoming MASTER TAILOR-MADE realities because I have decided to become more rich towards God. I am dressed in life’s finest.  Let me introduce you to all of my new neighbors: CONCEIVE IT, BELIEVE IT, ACT ON IT, HAVE FAITH IN IT, BE PERSISTENT ABOUT IT, AND ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO ACHIEVE IT.  Life is good because: GOD IS GOOD!!!!! I have accepted my God given assignment to assist those in the neighborhood that our ministry is sitting in to have pride, dignity, encouragement, and empowerment to DO SOMETHING about their situations to have a little more comfort in their lives IF THEY WANT IT.  HAVE YOU MOVED TOO???? If not I pray that you will be moving soon!!!!!!!! ALL THE BEST AND GOD BLESS.  MUCH LOVE!

Pastor A. J. “TheRightRevRhino” Watkins D.Min.   

Click here to join me on our internet radio broadcast and receive an encouraging message to help you through the week.

A Standard To Uphold



A Standard To Uphold

Numbers 2:2
King James Version Utilized & Commentary Critical Study Guide
Simonton Genesis Ministries Inc. Copyright 2013

This message is penned and broadcast to remind us to know who we are in life. It reminds us to remain steadfast in our identity and not to suffer from an identity crisis. The message reminds us to be proud to live the Christian Lifestyle and be willing to show others and not just tell others how and why we do so. Be blessed and much love.

A. J. “TheRightRevRhino” Watkins D.Min.


From The Tomb To The Table


From The Tomb To The Table

St. John 11:38-39; 12:1-2
King James Version Utilized
Webster’s Dictionary Matthew Henry Commentary

This message is penned and broadcast to remind us to never be ashamed to call for spiritual help from God. It reminds us to appreciate the help from others whom God may send our way from time to time. It is a message designed to free the minds of the believers so that they may assist in freeing and renewing the minds of those who are seeking the true light of knowledge. Be blessed and enjoy.  Click here to listen to the message.

A. J. “RightRevRhino” Watkins M.Div.

Not By What You Say, But What You Do


Not By What You Say, But By What You Do

Titus 1:10-11, 15-16

King James Version Utilized & Matthew Henry Study Aides

This message is penned and recorded to remind us who are believers to be aware of our conduct. People are watching more-so these days than ever before. People are watching to see if you are going to DO what you SAY you will DO. People are not easily won over anymore with lip service and are cautious when it comes to seeing you do what you say you are going to do.People need and want assurance that if a ministry is going to do something in the various communities around the cities in which they sit, that the ministry actually goes into ACTION and be about it instead of debating and just TALKING about it. Listen in and be blessed and motivated to get up and make a change for yourself first and then put a plan into action to change and help your ministry and/or community. All the best and God bless.

Click here, listen in, and enjoy:  Not By What You Say, But By What You Do

Out of Sight, Out of Mind (You Will Fall Sometimes)


Out of Sight, Out of Mind (You Will Fall Sometimes) Luke 22:54-56

This message contains information and reminds us who are believers to be proud of our faith and belief in Yahweh (God) and Yeshua (Jesus) by the guiding of the Holy Ghost. It reminds us that there will be times that we will face some stiff doubters and contentious fellow Christians and we must not deny our Christian identity. However, if we do deny it, we have a Savior and a belief system that will forgive you and pick you up and place in the standing position to move forward with your life. We lose our minds at times because of outside stimuli and we fall. That only reminds us that we are an imperfect creation serving and representing to the best of our ability, a perfect Creator. Be Blessed.

A. J. “TheRightRevRhino” Watkins D.Min.

Click Here and Listen In:  Out of Sight, Out of Mind


Discipline In The Church (Something That Is Lacking Today)



(Something That Is Lacking Today)

Pastor A. J Watkins M.Div.

Copyright 2006

Though church discipline is a very difficult area of doctrine and one hard to practice, it nevertheless rests upon the divine authority of Scripture and is vital to the purity, power, progress, and purpose of the church. The responsibility and necessity for discipline is not an option for the church if it obeys the Word of God, but a church must be equally concerned that Scripture is carefully followed in the practice of church discipline. The following summary is suggested for study and as a guide for this very important area of doctrine.

The Principle
of Discipline Defined

R.C. Sproul writes, “The church is called not only to a ministry of reconciliation, but a ministry of nurture to those within her gates. Part of that nurture includes church discipline . . .”1 The idea of church discipline is totally consistent with the basic purposes of the church—evangelism and edification. Evangelism ministers to those without the church who are in bondage to sin to bring them to faith in Christ where the transformation process begins. The edification process is designed to build up believers so they can be conformed to the image and character of Christ. Church discipline as a part of the edification process ministers to those within the body of Christ who are dominated by some area of sin so they can experience liberation from its power through fellowship with Christ.

How then do we define church discipline? Carl Laney states, “Church discipline may be broadly defined as the confrontive and corrective measures taken by an individual, church leaders, or the congregation regarding a matter of sin in the life of a believer.”2

Discipline in the church is not punishment. It is discipline and discipline is designed to train and restore.

The Pattern
and Basis for Discipline

(1) The discipline of the church is first patterned after the fact that the Lord Himself disciplines His children (Heb. 12:6) and, as a father delegates part of the discipline of the children to the mother, so the Lord has delegated the discipline of the church family to the church itself (1 Cor. 5:12-13; 2 Cor. 2:6).

(2) Discipline is further based on the holy character of God (1 Pet. 1:16; Heb. 12:11). The pattern of God’s holiness—His desire for the church to be holy, set apart unto Him—is an important reason for the necessity of church discipline. The church is therefore to clean out the leaven of malice and wickedness from its ranks (1 Cor. 5:6-8). A failure to exercise discipline in the church evidences a lack of awareness of and concern for the holiness of God.

(3) Church discipline is to be patterned after and based on the divine commands of Scripture (1 Cor. 4:6). We have numerous passages of Scripture which both command and give us God’s directives on the how, why, when, and where of church discipline. Again, a failure to exercise this responsibility demonstrates a lack of obedience and belief in the authority of the Bible (1 Cor. 5:1-13; Matt. 18:17-18; Titus 3:10; 2 Thess. 3:6-15; 1 Tim. 5:20; Gal. 6:1).

(4) Another basis for the necessity of church discipline is the testimony of the church in the world (1 Pet. 4:13-19). The world observes the behavior and life of the church. When the church acts no differently than the world, it loses its credibility and authenticity (1 Pet. 2:11-18; 3:8-16; 4:1-4).

The Purposes
of Church Discipline

(1) To bring glory to God and enhance the testimony of the flock.

(2) To restore, heal, and build up sinning believers (Matt. 18:15; 2 Thess. 3:14-15; Heb. 12:10-13; Gal. 6:1-2; Jam. 5:20).

(3) To produce a healthy faith, one sound in doctrine (Tit. 1:13; 1 Tim. 1:19-20).

(4) To win a soul to Christ, if the sinning person is only a professing Christian (2 Tim. 2:24-26).

(5) To silence false teachers and their influence in the church (Tit. 1:10-11).

(6) To set an example for the rest of the body and promote godly fear (1 Tim. 5:20).

(7) To protect the church against the destructive consequences that occur when churches fail to carry out church discipline. A church that fails to exercise discipline experiences four losses:

  • The Loss of Purity: Church discipline is vital to the purity of the local body and its protection from moral decay and impure doctrinal influences. Why? Because a little leaven leavens the entire lump (1 Cor. 5:6-7). This is the “rotten apple” problem or the “snowball” effect.An illustration of this is the Corinthian church which showed a lack of concern for purity. They neglected the responsibility to discipline and suffered as a result. Their insensitivity to one moral issue may have led to their compromise on other issues. Laney writes, “The Corinthians engaged in lawsuits, misused their liberty, profaned the Lord’s Supper, neglected the primacy of love, failed to regulate the use of their gifts, and questioned the resurrection.”3 Failure in church discipline in Corinth could be compared to a snowball tumbling downhill.
  • The Loss of Power: Sin in the life of the church grieves the person of the Holy Spirit and quenches His power. If sin remains unchecked by the loving application of church discipline in a body of believers, the Holy Spirit must abandon such a church to its own carnal resources. The unavoidable result will be the loss of the Lord’s blessing until the sin is dealt with.The defeat of Israel because of the sin of Achan in Joshua 7 illustrates the principle. This is just as true for the church today, especially when we know certain things exist but ignore them or simply look the other way because it is difficult to deal with or because it involves one of our friends and we do not want to risk causing problems in the relationship.
  • The Loss of Progress: A church that refuses to practice church discipline will see its ministry decline. The church may want to grow and reach out and it may try all kinds of stop gap measures, promotional campaigns, and programs in an attempt to turn things around, but if there is sin in the camp, it will all be to no avail. See Revelation 2:5 and 3:16 for illustrations of this principle.
  • The Loss of Purpose: As His ambassadors to a lost and dying world, God has called the church to be a holy people, a people who, standing out as distinct from the world, proclaim the excellencies of the works of God in Christ (1 Pet. 1:14-16; 2:9-15). If this is to occur, we must be different from the world and church discipline helps us to both remember and maintain that purpose. One of the recurring judgments against the church today as demonstrated in various polls taken across the country is the fact there is little or no difference between the church and the secular world when it comes to attitudes, values, morals, and lifestyle. We have lost our sense of purpose.

The Practice
of Church Discipline

The Manner

The above goals or purposes automatically govern the spirit in which all disciplinary action is to be given. Thus:

(1) Discipline must be done by those who are spiritual, truly walking by the Holy Spirit and growing in the Lord (Gal. 6:1).

(2) Discipline must be done in a spirit of humility, gentleness and patience, looking to ourselves lest we too be tempted (Gal. 6:1-2; 2 Tim. 2:24-25).

(3) Discipline must be done without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality (1 Tim. 5:21).

(4) Those who walk disorderly are to be admonished, warned, and appealed to in love (1 Thess. 5:14-15; 1 Tim. 5:1-2; Eph. 4:15; 2 Tim. 4:2). This admonishing, is not restricted to church leaders, but may be done by any person in the body with another if that person is Spirit controlled and spiritually minded (cf. 1 Thess. 5:14 with Gal. 6:1).

(5) If there is no response in repentance and obedience, then the sinning believer is to be rebuked publicly and members of the body are to withhold intimate fellowship through the process and procedure of group disapproval and social ostracism as prescribed in the next section, Procedures for Church Discipline below (2 Thess. 3:6, 14-15; Tit. 3:10; 1 Tim. 5:20). This action has a two-fold objective:

  • It is to indicate to the offender that his/her action has dishonored the Lord and has caused a rupture in the harmony of the body. The goal is always restoration and the person is still to be counted as a brother (2 Thess. 3:14-15).
  • It is to create fear in the rest of the flock as a warning against sin (1 Tim. 5:20).

(6) If there is still no response in repentance and obedience, the church is to apply the procedures of excommunication as directed in Matthew 18:17.

Several examples of church discipline are found in Scripture. The Corinthian believers were to be “gathered together” in order to take action against the offending brother (1 Cor. 5:4-5; Rom. 16:17; 2 Thess. 3:6-15; Phil. 3:17-19).

This is defined by Paul as “punishment inflicted by the majority” (2 Cor. 2:6). As a protective measure, we also find that the whole church in Rome and in Thessalonica were to take action with regard to the unruly and schismatic, not just a few (2 Thess. 3:6-15; Rom. 16:17).

(7) Finally, discipline in the name of our Lord always includes a readiness to forgive. The many or majority who discipline must also be ready and eager to forgive, comfort, and reaffirm their love to the sinning person (2 Cor. 2:6-8). (See Procedures for Church Discipline below.)

Reasons for Church Discipline

In church discipline we must exercise extreme care. Scripture does not warrant the exercise of discipline for an individual’s or a church’s taboos or pet peeves—the “dirty dozen” or the “nasty nine.” Scripture, not our opinions or dislikes, must be the guide for what is sin. Further, we must not become hypercritical or “speck inspectors.”

(1) General Causes: Disorderly conduct, conduct clearly out of line with the prescribed commands of Scripture and which negatively impacts the testimony and unity of the church (2 Thess. 3:6-15).

(2) Specific Causes:

  • Difficulties between members (Matt. 18:15-17).
  • Divisive or factious people causing divisions in the church (Rom. 16:17-18; Titus 3:9-11).
  • Immoral conduct; sins of the type mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5 such as incest, immorality, covetousness, idolatry, abusive speech, drunkenness, swindling, or idle busybodies who refuse to work and run around spreading dissension (1 Cor. 5:1, 11; 2 Thess. 3:10-15).
  • False teaching; erroneous teaching and views which concern the fundamentals of the faith and not lesser differences of interpretation (1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17-18; also implied in Rev. 2:14-16; Phil. 3:2-3, 15-19; Rom. 16:17-18).

The key concerns that guide us in this are: (a) the holy character of God, (b) the testimony of the flock, (c) the effect upon the unity and purity of the flock, and (d) the edification and restoration of the individual.

for Church Discipline

The scriptural procedure is clear and specific steps are prescribed as follows:


If you see the offense or you have accurate knowledge of the sin(s), please note these cautions:

  • Be sure it is an offense which calls for discipline and not merely one of our pet peeves. Again, the Word must be our criterion.
  • Remember how we too have sinned in the past and heed the warnings of Galatians 6:1.
  • Bring the matter before the Lord in prayer before the confrontation takes place (1 Sam. 8:6).
  • Don’t procrastinate. The longer the delay, the more difficult the condition can become. Remember the consequences listed above.
  • Don’t gossip or even talk to others about it in the sense of Matthew 18:16 until you have talked to the sinning believer privately. We must guard and protect the person and the flock from rumors and a slanderous tongue (Prov. 6:19b; 10:19; 11:13; 18:8, 21; 20:19).

First Step

First, seek private correction and/or reconciliation with the offender (Matt. 18:15). In Matthew 18:15 many manuscripts have “and if your brother sins against you, go and reprove him in private.”

There has been no little debate as to whether the words “against you” are part of the original manuscripts. The words “against me” in verse 21 may have led a scribe or copyist to personalize the matter in verse 15. Or, one could argue the omission was deliberate in order to generalize the passage. While some important manuscript tradition lacks the words “against you,” many feel there is good evidence for their originality. First, the words, “reprove him in private,” and second, the question of Peter in verse 21 about forgiving a brother who sins “against me” suggests their inclusion.

Whether the words “against you” were in the original text or not, Galatians 6:1 teaches that believers have a responsibility to confront sin in general in the life of other believers and not just when it is an offense against one’s person. It would seem, then that there is a two-fold application:

(1) When the problem involves one believer sinning against another, there are two problems that need to be taken care of: reconciliation and restoration (Matt. 5:23-24).

(2) When the problem involves a believer overcome in or by some sin, as was the case in Galatians 6:1, the need is restoration.

Matthew 18:16-17 should not be limited to the problem of one believer sinning against another in view of Galatians 6:1. So, the one offended or who recognizes the offense or sin is to go privately and try to rectify the problem.

Please note these guidelines:

(1) Begin by expressing your genuine appreciation for the person and their good qualities to show you are genuinely concerned about their welfare. Then and only then bring up the matter which is of concern.

(2) In some situations the sin is apparent and there is no question, but we must allow for the possibility that we have misjudged or have wrong information. We must listen to the other person’s side of the story and seek the facts in the interest of truth and fairness.

(3) If the person fails to respond, warn them that, according to the instructions of Scripture (Matt. 18:16), you will have to get others as witnesses and return with them to deal with the problem.

Second Step

If the first step fails, take witnesses to strengthen the effect of the discipline, preferably spiritual leaders, so that if it has to be brought before the whole church it can be firmly proven and established (Matt. 18:16-17; 1 Tim. 5:19). The aid of church leadership should be sought if the problem involves an offense that is against the whole body or if it is a threat to the unity of the body.

These initial contacts, private and with witnesses, provide opportunity for loving admonition, correction, and forgiveness. On the other hand, if these first steps do not produce results, it constitutes a warning that further action will be taken and provides occasion for serious rebuke (2 Tim. 4:2; 1 Thess. 5:12-13; Titus 2:15; 3:10).

Third Step

If the second step fails, seek reconciliation and restoration through the whole body. If further action is necessary, it is to be taken before the whole church (2 Thess. 3:14-15; Matt. 18:17; 1 Tim. 5:20).

This action appears to fall into two stages when we combine 2 Thessalonians 3:14 and 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 with Matthew 18:17.

(1) The body is to exercise group disapproval by way of social ostracism (refusal to have intimate fellowship).

(2) If this doesn’t work, the local body of believers is to exercise excommunication: removal from church membership, loss of voting privileges, and continuation of the loss of intimate fellowship. This must be approved of and done by the entire congregation (2 Cor. 2:6).

This is, in essence, the Lord carrying out discipline through the action of the entire body under the leadership of the elders or the spiritually mature (1 Cor. 5:4). Similar heavenly authority is seen in the ratification of this disciplinary action as spelled out in Matthew 18:18-19.

Procedures for Restoration


In keeping with the goal of restoration, the role of the church must change after there is repentance. This means accepting the person and forgetting the past (2 Cor. 2:7a).

But how do we know when repentance is genuine? What is our responsibility when the sinning party acknowledges their wrong and claims repentance? The following two passages answer this for us.

Luke 3:8, when they “. . . bring forth fruits in keeping with repentance.”

Acts 26:20, “. . . that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance.”

Genuine repentance will make itself evident by its deeds and attitudes. The repentant person will:

(1) Freely acknowledge his sin (1 Jn. 1:9; Prov. 28:13a).

(2) Cease the activity for which he was disciplined or at least seek help if it’s a case of life dominating patterns (Prov. 28:13b; Gal. 6:1f; Jam. 5:19-20).

(3) Make restitution and/or ask for forgiveness from those hurt as it is applicable (Phil. 18-19; Matt. 5:23-24).

(4) He/she will demonstrate a genuine change of heart, a real concern and godly sorrow over his actions, not in order to be forgiven, but because of the harm caused to the glory of God and the hurt caused others (2 Cor. 7:8-11; Ps. 51:17).

(5) He/she will begin to manifest the fruit of the Spirit and a concern for the things of Christ (Gal. 5:22f).


This means reaching out to them, assuring them of your support, and encouraging, exhorting, and challenging them to move on (2 Cor. 2:7b).


This means including them, drawing them close, doing for them that which will aid their growth and complete recovery (2 Cor. 2:8). This would include encouraging them to get involved in ministry (Luke 22:31-32). For positions of leadership, there should be a time of testing to demonstrate their qualifications after the analogy of 1 Timothy 3:10.

For excellent and more complete studies on this subject, see (1) A Guide to Church Discipline, by Carl Laney, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1985, and (2) Healing the Wounded, The Costly Love of Church Discipline, by John White and Ken Blue, Inter-Varsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1985.

1 R. C. Sproul, In Search of Dignity, Regal Books, 1983, p. 182.

2 Carl Laney, A Guide to Church Discipline, Bethany House Publishers, p. 14.

3 Ibid., p. 20.


NOW THAT’S A KEEPER (Click here for the radio show)

This message is penned and broadcast to remind us that while we stammer and stumble through life, those who are THAT'S A KEEPER! believers in almighty God have been kept. We have been kept through the mess and the stress, the fluff and the stuff because God (Yahweh) has a purpose for our lives and when we recognize and exercise our gifts in the will of God, our lives are much more pleasant and we find things we can keep in our spirit and character to make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Close Encounters of the Worst Kind


ACTS 19:10-17



The great movie director Steven Spielberg made a major impact on the Hollywood scene over thirty-two years ago with a movie entitled “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”  He produced this film in 1977.  It consisted of a five note musical motif.  This movie was a portrayal of mankind being accepted into the scheme of life by other life forces.  The main character, Roy, was so caught up in the encounter that he lost his family and his friends thought he was “off of his rocker”.  After Laughlin recognizes a signal from outer space as a set of geographical coordinates pointing to Devils Tower, all parties begin to converge on Wyoming. The United States Army evacuates the area, using false reports that a train wreck has spilled highly dangerous nerve gas, all the while preparing a landing zone for the first human contact with the UFOs and their occupants. While the other humans drawn to the site are unable to reach Devils Tower (one of them who escaped with Roy and Gillian was hit by a sleeping drug), Roy and Gillian persist and make it to the site as dozens of UFOs appear. The enormous mother ship lands at the sight returning people who had been abducted over the years, including Barry. With an understanding of peace between the two civilizations, Roy is taken onboard the ship as an ambassador from Earth, and one of the UFO occupants comes out to greet the humans. Lacombe communicates with it by using the hand signs (using the Kodály Method) that are used to create the five tones in the human contact. The UFO occupant does the same and smiles before it boards back on the ship, which then lifts off.

In our text, we find the great Apostle Paul working diligently in Athens, Greece.  He is preaching and teaching that Jesus saves.  He is beginning to climb toward the pinnacle of his ministry.  He is freshly converted on the Damascus road and running full speed ahead for Jesus, instead of against Jesus.  He was encountering quite a bit of resistance from various philosophers at the time.  However, he continued to teach about Jesus.  Even though they were disputing him in the school of Tyrannus, Paul taught lessons on Jesus in spite of their divisions in the school.  Some in that school were with the traditional Jews and the laws and others sided with the Apostles.

Nevertheless, we see that Paul continued the Lord’s work.  His work was blessed by God.  All of his encounters with various diseases and debates were wrought out as Miracles by God through Paul.  The book reads that handkerchiefs and aprons were brought to him from those in need and upon his touching them, the sickness and evil spirits from those that the articles belonged to were dispersed and they were healed.

Paul worked regardless of the “haters” in the city.  A group of “vagabond” Jews saw this work and wanted a part of the recognition that Paul was receiving from the people.  The text tells us that they went and attempted to command an evil spirit to relinquish the control it had on upon an unnamed individual.  They did not say in the name of Jesus we command you to come out.  They stated by Jesus whom Paul preached about we adjure you to come out.  They were addressed by that spirit in such a way, that it showed that they did not believe in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  So the spirit stated that it knew Paul and Jesus but it did not recognize them and it jumped on them and wounded them and whooped them into the street naked.

They had a close encounter of the worst kind.  They encountered something that was truly stronger than their “so-called” faith.  They encountered a demoniac. They encountered embarrassment.  They encountered a debilitating situation that ruined their reputation in the Jewish and Greek community.  They could never recover from the shame and injury to their egos, body, and mind.  They were whipped and left in that dilemma and seven sons went away possessed and lost in their own thoughts.

My brothers and sisters we need to be careful of our encounters with various churches, church folk, individuals, fellow employees, and just general day to day people as we go through our daily lives.  We need to be careful of our encounters because they can be deceiving.  We need to be mindful of our encounters because they can be demonic.  We need to be aware of our encounters when they transpire because they can be debilitating.

In our first point, we must be careful how we allow various acquaintances, business partners, and others to enter into our sacred refuge of innermost thoughts.  People will act as if they are concerned about you when you have an immediate problem.  You find that they only wanted to get your trust for something they want from you.  That is deception.  People tell you their issues that they have with another person cross-town and when you give your insight, they take it back to the person that they were talking to you about.  You find that they were conspiring to get you caught up in gossip.  That is deception.  You go and lie about your income tax knowing that you don’t have any more dependents.  That is deception.  You get up in church and tell people about a situation that you heard someone else go through, but you place yourself in the situation so that you can get sympathy.  That is deception.  You have done some good things in the community and you utilize those things in the past to get what you want out of people.  That is deception.  You have been blessed abundantly, but you want unmerited recognition for your efforts like the vagabond Jews.  That is deception.  You walk around town with your head held a little too high because you feel that you are the only spiritual advisor that can tell people how to conduct church business at a church you don’t even pastor while yours is slowly going down because of your unscrupulous behavior in the community.  That is deception.  Be careful of those that are running games brothers and sisters because they are out to deceive you into supporting their hidden agendas.

We must be aware of deceptive people because they have a demonic attitude that arises from time to time.  Mostly in the presence of God’s people is where this attitude arises.  A preacher enters into the church and is known for being able to deliver God’s word in a concise and timely manner.  You see the individual come in and your entire countenance and demeanor change.  That is demonic because you are jealous.  A singer stands to minister in song and you barely sing up in the choir stand because you do not like their voice.  That is demonic because you are selfish.  A deacon prays a soul stirring prayer and you keep your eyes on them while they’re praying and cussing under your breath about how long the prayer has taken to be prayed.  That is demonic because you are spiritually lifeless.  People attack you in your home church because you do not attend because you are growing in God.  That is demonic because they are blind.  Your friend attempts to get with your husband or wife after getting to know you both.  That is demonic because they are lustful.  You are practicing homosexuality and lesbianism (experimenting) under cover hoping that the folks in church do not find out.  That is demonic because you are confused.  You get mad at the pastor because he will not let you run wild in the church.  That is demonic because you are one-sided.  You are tipping around the county dating four other individuals besides your spouse.  That is demonic because you are a nymphomaniac.  No one can say anything to you because you are “always right” and if they say something you cuss them out in the church yard.  That is demonic because you are egotistical.  A person stands before you to address the congregation with well wishes and you sit with a dirty look on your face because they have not come to you for your limited advice and you have embarrassed yourself by volunteering information that they did not ask to receive.  Your people see you and question your ministry.  That is demonic because you are seeking self-aggrandizement.  You fail to get to know people for who they are and not what they possess.  Be careful of your encounters with demonic spirits because they will remain calm until you get them all stirred up and you may find yourself fighting for your dignity, reputation, and your life.

Lastly, you want to watch the close encounters because they are worse when they snatch you into the middle of things. The text states in verse 16, “And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.”  Your encounters can be debilitating as stated before.  You are in the process of getting into affairs of others without an invitation and you find yourself trying to explain your way out.  That is debilitating.  People want to take over your ministry and have no vision.  They get into the position, but do nothing because of lack of training.  That is debilitating.  You feel you can do better than those that have been around for a little while.  You approach people the same way that those in position do only to find that you are not respected but laughed at.  That is debilitating to your ego.  A spouse finds out that he or she is not the only one, but one of many.  That is debilitating.  The child is on the streets hustling because they want fast money.  That is debilitating.  Teenage daughters are sleeping with the step father or with mom’s man.  That is debilitating.  Men are getting young teenage girls pregnant.  That is debilitating.  Husbands and wives are swapping partners at various functions.  That is debilitating.  Churches have teenage pregnancies, gang violence, and drug addicts in the neighborhood and ignore the problem.  That is debilitating.  Mothers and Fathers are allowing the children and the system to tell them how to run the house.  That is debilitating.  Churches allow anyone living any old type of way to be placed in leadership positions in the ministry.  That is debilitating.  A man or a woman is charged with a felony and America will not forgive them even after serving their time.  They judge them in the job market.  They judge them in the real estate market.  They get frustrated and return to what got them locked up in the first place.  That is debilitating.

Debilitating encounters can make you look good on the outside and in mental and spiritual anguish on the inside.  Encounters such as these tear families apart.  Encounters such as these rip a church to pieces.  Encounters such as these will impair the progression of God’s Kingdom because the leader is faithless and the demon has deceived and now attacked the faithless believer and you are in a debilitating situation that only God can fix.  Encounters such as these leave you feeling empty after service.  You feel empty at home.  You feel empty at work.  Encounters such as these will cause you to question your own integrity.  You will question your own faith in God.  You will even question God about things that God has already brought you through.

However, we serve a mighty God.  An encounter with God like the one Paul had on the road to Damascus will change your attitude.  The scripture states, “And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on the m all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.”  You see Paul had Jesus and Jesus had Paul.  Through the aid of the Holy Ghost, that evil spirit taught a lesson to all of them and to us.  If you encounter anyone or anything and you are not sincere and prayed up, you will have an unpleasant experience.  Yet God, in his magnificent wisdom knows how to make all of your encounters pleasant and in most cases a lot less painful.  When you get to know God and have a sincere encounter with God, your life will not and cannot be the same.  The closer the encounter with God, the sweeter your life will become.  Your blessings will never cease.  Your confidence will remain strong.  Your humility will overshadow your talents.

An encounter with God will allow you to overcome obstacles that you encounter that are there to slow you down.  You will realize and you will begin to tell the world, like Paul did, that Jesus lived, died and rose, ascended, and is interceding for us every day.  You will tell people that you encounter that…

When I fall, He lifts me up.  When I fail, He forgives me.  When I am weak, He strengthens me.  When I am lost, He shows me the way.  When I am afraid, He is my courage.  When I stumble, He steadies me.  When I am broken, He mends me.  When I am hurt, He heals me.  When I am blind, He leads me.  When I face trials, He is with me.  When I face persecution, He shields me.  When I face loss, He provides for me.  When I face death, He will carry me on home.  Jesus is a close encounter of the worst kind for the devil and his demons. The reason is because that encounter counteracts all that you used to do.  All you used to say.  That encounter requires effort on your part to meet the Lord and say I give up it is in your hands.  That encounter causes you growing pains.  That encounter causes you to become submissive, prayerful, and poised for your next level of success.

Let’s Go To Hell

LUKE 16:23-17:1
Spurgeon, Ryrie, James Moffet, & Eardman Study Aides
King James Version Utilized Simonton Genesis Ministries © 2009

This message war penned and recorded to remind us to never be so “high-minded” and sadity. It reminds us to be cautious about all people that we may run into from time to time in our lives. We must be on guard to watch our character as well as the character of others. By going by and seeing whose life is a little tougher than ours will allow us to appreciate our up and coming lives. This message reminds us to never judge a person on their looks, but to believe what you actually SEE them do and how they do it whether it is positive or negative behavior. Let us go and see some of the struggles that we often overlook as we go about our daily routine.

Click here:  Let’s Go To Hell